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Campaign Optimization: Let the Google Algorithm Do the Work

in Content Marketing
January 5, 2024
by Carlos Neyra

When it comes to running campaigns on Google, the topic of optimization can get pretty intricate. You’ve got a ton of options to fine-tune your campaigns, from tweaking placements on GDN to adding or pausing keywords for searches, and even putting certain channels on hold on the YouTube side.

Today, we’re here to guide you through some of the top optimization techniques that can help your campaign thrive. Sometimes, doing less can actually mean getting more and better results. But first, let’s start with the basics. 


What is campaign optimization?

Campaign optimization in media buying refers to the process of refining and improving advertising campaigns to achieve better performance and results. It involves making strategic adjustments to various elements of the campaign to maximize its effectiveness and return on investment (ROI). This process typically includes analyzing campaign data, identifying areas for improvement, and implementing changes to enhance the campaign’s targeting, messaging, creative elements, and overall strategy.


Let’s break down optimization into a few steps, starting with what’s most important:


  1. Creatives: While many advertisers focus on demographics, audiences, and devices, the real game-changer often lies in your ad creatives. Testing a variety of creatives not only increases your chances of hitting a home run, but it also speeds up the path to success. Google’s algorithm is pretty smart at deciphering what works and what doesn’t. So, the more creatives you test, the better. But don’t just toss in a bunch of similar headlines and images. Plan it out, get creative, and think of unique angles that can really make your product shine.
  2. Audiences: Figuring out your target audience can be a bit of a puzzle. When you’re starting your first campaign, you might be pondering over who your ideal customer is. But here’s the thing: Google’s algorithm will show you who your customer is after you’ve had a decent flow of traffic. Our advice? Launch your campaign with at least 10 audiences, whether they’re in-market or have certain affinities. In just a few days, you’ll start to see which audiences are working their magic. Just let the algorithm do its thing.
  3. Budgets: When it comes to budgets, it’s best to avoid making too many changes right at the start of your campaign. Google needs some time to figure things out. It might be nerve-wracking when you’re not seeing the results you want within the first week, but Google really starts to optimize things after the initial period. It’s wise to set a reasonable daily budget and let your campaigns run for at least one to two weeks before making any tweaks. If you can’t wait that long, try to make the least aggressive changes to your budget. Once your campaign starts converting, and you want to ramp up the budget, consider increasing it by 10% to 20% every 3-4 days.

In a nutshell, if your creatives are well-crafted and offer a range of engaging angles, letting Google do its thing is the best way to optimize your campaign. Remember, Google has a massive pool of users and placements. With a strong creative, Google is likely to figure out the rest and get you the results you’re after. Cutting out things like age groups or blocking placements in the early stages might not give you enough data to make the right decisions. And if you’re like us, aiming for six figures in ad spend, narrowing your targeting can limit your potential and keep you from fully uncovering your product’s true potential.

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